Providing the Best Protection for COVID-19

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Providing the Best Protection for COVID-19
Copyright: © 2013 Houston Chronicle

We are all wanting the best protection we can get from the corona virus. Our brave fire fighters on the front line right now. When EMS is called it is our fire fighters. They deserve as much support as we can give them. Right now we are raising funds to help them stay safe. Your donation of $35 will go to purchase a personal protection kit for a fire fighter — gloves, masks, and more. Donate today, Lives depend on it.

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Additional Updates

Thank You, Houston - the 2023 Fundraiser Was a Success!

Thank You, Houston - the 2023 Fundraiser Was a Success!

Houston, TX—October 23, 2023 – The Fire Fighters Foundation of Houston, the only official charity of the Houston Fire Department, welcomed guests to the annual fundraising extravaganza as part of their mission of providing life-saving equipment for the Houston Fire Department. "175 Years Answering The Call" gave guests the opportunity to show their support for the men and women of the Houston Fire Department.



Houston, TX—December 6, 2022 – The Fire Fighters Foundation of Houston, the only official charity of the Houston Fire Department, has launched a new website to focus attention on their mission of providing life-saving equipment for the Houston Fire Department. The website was designed as a pro bono account by American Fortune Cookie, an internet marketing firm.

Kick-Off Event and Fundraising Sept. 11, 2006

Kick-Off Event and Fundraising Sept. 11, 2006

Our fire fighters need your help to establish the Houston Fire Department as the country’s hallmark. With support from community leaders, fire fighters, friends and volunteers, The Fire Fighter Foundation of Houston will host its landmark kick-off event and fundraiser on September 11, 2006 to celebrate our local heroes and honor of the fifth anniversary of the attacks of September 11, 2001. We ask for your assistance and hope you will join us.