Fire Fighters Foundation Salutes Our First Responders

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Fire Fighters Foundation Salutes Our First Responders

For Immediate Release
Contact: Lee Vela 281.748.3095

(Houston) – The Fire Fighters Foundation of Houston extends our deepest sympathy to the families of our fallen Fire Fighters killed in today’s horrific fire. Our thoughts and prayers are with those injured as well.

We as Houstonians rely on fire fighters as our first responders. For more than 150 years, they have answered the call with their indisputable commitment to save lives and in the process, kept our community and loved ones safe. Today they paid the ultimate sacrifice with their lives.

FFFH has and will continue to work with HFD to determine their shortfalls and will assess their critical funding needs on a regular basis.

The Fire Fighters Foundation of Houston was established as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization in 2006 and is the first foundation in Houston to provide non-governmental funding to Houston’s as well as surrounding counties’ fire fighters. The Foundation is dedicated to upholding our pledge of providing Houston’s bravest men and women with the necessary funding, tools, technology, and equipment so that they may be able to best serve and protect the citizens of Houston. Building and maintaining the best fire department in the nation requires supplemental non-governmental funding – – – and The Fire Fighter Foundation of Houston will continue to answer the call.

To assist the families of the fallen fire fighters we encourage you to make donations to the Houston 100 Club ( and to our local Red Cross ( For more information about the Fire Fighters Foundation of Houston please visit our website.

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Additional Updates

Thank You, Houston - the 2023 Fundraiser Was a Success!

Thank You, Houston - the 2023 Fundraiser Was a Success!

Houston, TX—October 23, 2023 – The Fire Fighters Foundation of Houston, the only official charity of the Houston Fire Department, welcomed guests to the annual fundraising extravaganza as part of their mission of providing life-saving equipment for the Houston Fire Department. "175 Years Answering The Call" gave guests the opportunity to show their support for the men and women of the Houston Fire Department.



Houston, TX—December 6, 2022 – The Fire Fighters Foundation of Houston, the only official charity of the Houston Fire Department, has launched a new website to focus attention on their mission of providing life-saving equipment for the Houston Fire Department. The website was designed as a pro bono account by American Fortune Cookie, an internet marketing firm.

Kick-Off Event and Fundraising Sept. 11, 2006

Kick-Off Event and Fundraising Sept. 11, 2006

Our fire fighters need your help to establish the Houston Fire Department as the country’s hallmark. With support from community leaders, fire fighters, friends and volunteers, The Fire Fighter Foundation of Houston will host its landmark kick-off event and fundraiser on September 11, 2006 to celebrate our local heroes and honor of the fifth anniversary of the attacks of September 11, 2001. We ask for your assistance and hope you will join us.